An old technique in a modern sales culture

Modern sales culture has made it almost impossible to contact the people you would like to reach on a person-to-person basis – long a dream of those sales/marketing executives who have sought to “not be bothered” by sales people – and yet are the very same ones who have urged their own sales people to push themselves in to find new business elsewhere. Oh, the irony!

Well life has changed for all parties and now we are in a new culture where the only way to connect is to be found and to generate interest when prospective customers are browsing/searching, and this is where a very old marketing strategy can once again prove it’s worth.

What is that strategy I may hear you ask?

Simply the dissemination of information as widely and frequently as possible, in such a manner that prospects can find it are attracted to come to us. This has a long history of success in increasing phone and online traffic while generating good will by sharing of useful information and tips about cost and time saving or possible solutions to unusual problems.

This used to be called PR, then content marketing, then it incorporated social media so now it is simply online marketing, but its function is the same – although it has a few more channels available.

So clearly there is nothing magic about the process – just some skill and hard work – and in line with the above if you would like to know more then please contact me at [email protected].

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Industrial marketing
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