Strike while the “iron is hot”

I read somewhere the other day that Manufacturing industry in the UK had it’s best month for 16 years in April 2010 – and all my clients tell me they have had very good months (even record months ) since Christmas. (and we are still the 6th largest manufacturing sector on the planet.) So is now the start of a new growth phase? Well we won’t know for sure until it is too late to really take advantage of it – but a little effort now could reap huge rewards later – and actually not much later either – I am thinking weeks to months here.

So potentially, a small promotional investment now could see increased business in the next few months and leverage growth into next year. An ongoing commitment to a promotional program could help pick up business released by the companies that did not survive and build market share over the next cycle.

ID-Marketing has already offered our clients some very special pricing to help them take advantage of this opportunity – we and others in the market can help promote your way back to prosperity – so “strike while the iron is hot!”

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Industrial marketing
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