DO dip a toe in the water – social media is the fastest growing promotional activity in the Industrial sector – but do not go overboard. Experiment, learn and when you understand then commit.
CHECK your website is attractive and functional – full of useful information which is easily found.
CREATE a blog site or add a blog page to your website and update it regularly with content that’s interesting and engaging. Disable “comments” – if you want conversation use other appropriate social media.
PRE-POPULATE the blog with your past 12 months Press Releases.
USE photos, graphic illustrations and videos.
INCLUDE lots of links from the blog to relevant material on your website – also to your principals or your corporate site.
PERSUADE principals or corporate head office to link to you – corporate should ideally put your blog on their menu.
MAKE regular/frequent posts to your blog. This is ideal for short chatty information bites – e.g. “we are exhibiting at ….” or “we heard of a really novel application of our widget” … or “Hot News – we have a new product”, new pricing, new stock …
CONTINUE to post your Press Releases, e.g. twice a month on the blog with links to data sheets, full range information, application guides, whitepapers etc.
SET up business pages/channels on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.
TWEET your Press Releases, put them on Facebook and LinkedIn.
PUT demo video clips on YouTube – make them yourself or get them from principals or Corporate HO. Link to them from your website and blog.
GET involved or get a Social Media Manager.
JOIN relevant groups.
PUT your social media buttons and links on your website and blog.
ADD your social media links to your e-mail signature and all other electronic media.
ADD your social media links to all printed media – headed paper, compliment slips, business cards etc.
INVITE your twitter followers to follow you on Facebook and vice-versa. If you’re on LinkedIn make sure all of your social media links are on your profile page.
SEARCH out people who may be interested in your product and follow them to encourage them to follow you.
COMMUNICATE with your followers – retweet often as this validates them and warms them to you.