HAVE A PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE – think of it as an online brochure. Be hands on in its production to ensure it is suitable.
KEEP it simple.
KEEP it quick loading.
STAY focused on your product or service.
KEEP it up to date.
HAVE a news page with news on it about your product or service. Put corporate news elsewhere on its own page.
RUN a blog – ideally separate from your website – post weekly.
USE your website as your brochure – make it your product/service reference.
PUT all your datasheets on your website as PDF downloads – only ask for visitor registrations if your downloads are really valuable or restricted.
HAVE a search facility on the site.
USE a translation service like Google on your site if you are likely to have non-English speaking customers.
USE a content management system (CMS) to build your site.
ENSURE your site is search engine optimized (SEO).
BE SURE to include your keywords in text content as well as page descriptions etc.
USE photos and videos on your site with adequate descriptions etc.
TAKE TIME at least once a year to visit your site as a customer – review how it may be improved.