Industrial Press Relations – NOT Public Relations
Ian offers the view that Industrial PR is very different from the PR we know from the tabloid press. Today PR is also otherwise known as “content marketing” or sometimes “article marketing” because of its links with other information channels.
The PR value of directories for industrial promotion
A brief outline from Ian on the PR value of directories for industrial promotion.
Using keywords and search strings in press relations
Ian talks about keywords and search strings – how to derive them and how to use them.
Printed media is still relevant
According to Ian printed media is still highly relevant – but needs re-evaluation.
Internet Media
Ian looks at online journals from the perspective of industrial P.R.
Industrial Press Releases
What to send, where to send it and what to write about. Ian covers the 80:20 rule for industrial P.R.
Feature Articles
Ian discusses approaching technical features – submission and creation. DIY or outsource?
The Virtuous P.R. and Social Media Cycles
An outline of the information flow involved in industrial P.R. and Social Media
Industrial Social Media
According to Ian, Social Media has come of age for industrial companies
Marketing for Industrial SMEs –
building a cost-effective Promotional Pyramid
A wide ranging discussion of the promotional possibilities for Industrial SMEs, enabling them to structure activities cost-effectively.