How to …
1. Managing Your Free Directory Entries – How an SME or micro-business can use this important channel of information flow.
2. Get top tips from ID-Marketing on subjects such as press relations, marketing, photography and industrial social media.
3. Industrial PR – an analysis from black and white to today – This article describes the development of industrial PR from the late 70’s to the present day – including the way this may be managed using organic searches.
4. Advertising for Industrial SMEs – A paper on what works and what works cost-effectively to help small companies punch above their weight on restricted budgets.
5. Creating a Webprofile – How can I create and manage my profile on the web? Ideas and answers in simple language.
6. Creating Content – A whitepaper describing the basis of producing marketing “content” for use in the promotional mix of industrial SMEs.
7. How to Measure Your Webprofile – A simple way to understand how you are seen on the web, and to see what is working and what is not.
8. Getting into Social Media for Industrial SMEs – How to get started – this is the right time for industrial companies to put resources into Social Media. Why and How?
9. Thoughts on Developing Websites for Industrial SMEs – Guidelines on developing an industrial website – what is important, what is not.
10. Money Saving Marketing for Industrial SMEs – Cost-effective marketing, 80/20 rule and getting the biggest bang for small bucks. Working across marketing platforms to leverage effect.
11. Writing Material for Industrial PR – Ian offers some simple guidance from his experience in writing material for industrial clients – for use in PR, Directories, Social Media, Websites, Brochures.
12. Industrial Photography for Marketeers – Firstly, do create a company resource of relevant photography – and why – then some do’s and don’ts to get started with.
Marketing General
1. Google – The biggest magazine of them all – librarian turns magazine publisher – Describes some ideas on current B2B publishing associated with the development of Google as our primary search engine resource.
2. Updating your website – A paper discussing the factors involved in website maintenance and the comparative value of an up to date corporate website in the marketing mix.
3. Micro-Businesses – too much to do? Get your marketing priorities right – How to understand and prioritise the options available to get the best value for money.
4. The Role of Distributors in the Industrial Marketplace – A plan for industrial B2B distributors on how to maximise their position – and a guide for principals on how to get the most from a distributor relationship, by helping them to be successful.
5. How Industrial PR is keeping up with Marketing Trends – How industrial PR has developed to where it is today – encompassing keyword strings and social media.
6. How Small Companies are Competing Successfully – Given the need to find, meet and engage customers then to deliver a satisfying buying experience – how are small companies addressing this effectively.
7. Press Relations for Industrial SMEs – How B2B Press Relations differs from B2C Public Relations – two forms of PR with very different approaches and budgets. Covers why industrial SMEs need PR and how they can do it cheaper than they might think.
8. Industrial Videos – Videos in the industrial marketplace are becoming more useful for promotional purposes and cheaper. There is a big gap waiting to be filled with video content and the time is right for industrial SMEs to address this space in their marketing mix.
9. Industrial Marketing – The Industrial Marketing tools available to SMEs have changed out of all recognition since the internet become a viable communication channel. There are now so many more opportunities for a small to medium sized company to promote themselves than ever before and at low cost – so there is no reason not to do so.
10. The Illusion of “Competitive Accounts” in Industrial Marketing – Thoughts from over 30 years in marketing about the validity of the concept that having a “competitive account” debars an agency from new business. Derived from personal observation and experience, Ian argues that this is based on illusion and there is much to be gained from working with a specialist marketing agency.
11. Taking a wider perspective on promotional P.R. – At the Industrial Marketing Agency we focus on the elements of the marketing/promotional mix which are particularly suited to industrial B2B companies. However, it is worth being aware of the wider possibilities since you may well see opportunities for crossover which others can miss – and these can prove extremely powerful.
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